Hello! So begins my tale! My tale of nearly 2 decades. Not long I know, but so much has happend and is going to happen. God is good and He's saved me from Satan's grasp on so many occasions!
My first experience started when I was only 7 years old. It started with a dream. The thing about this dream that was interesting what that my little brother had the exact one at the same exact time. We awoke together, cried to our mother together, still share the memory together.
Though I don't remember every detail of the dream, I do know there was a hilltop and below me, on every side, were snakes. I remember being terrified and waking up wet from tears. My little brother was the same.
Years had passed, I didn't dwell on the dream (c'mon, it was just a dream, right?). Through that time, I had a number of other dreams with snakes but from snakes, came demons and with demons, came Satan. I was only 8 yrs old when I first had a dream of Satan himself and his demons. When I was about eleven or twelve, I began to see demons with my physical eyes. They were everywhere I went. Most didn't seem to realize that I saw them, but others laughed and tried to scare me. I was young and since I grew up having imaginary friends and such, I wasn't as scared as one would think.
**Side note: Those who work with demons as adults(demonologists, priests, etc.) are normally people who dealt with demons as children. That is one reason they are not afraid. I'd like to refer my readers to this article: http://socyberty.com/paranormal/fear-and-the-unknown/ **
In that dream, I stood face to face with Satan. With a demon on either side of him, he began to speak but I couldn't hear what he was saying. I just watched in fear as his lips moved. When he was finished, he turned and disappeared into the darkness, but the 2 demons came to me. That's when I woke up.
I didn't realize it at that time that the dream was telling me something; these demons were assigned to me and would follow me through the years. With them came illness and more nightmares.
Most nightmares had to do with cemetaries and dead bodies. I continued to see and feel demons and was even physically pushed and scratched by them. When I was about 12 yrs old, I got up the courage to tell my parents about what was happening. They just nodded their heads and looked at eachother, unsure of what to think. After I got it out to them, I decided to speak out to others in my church; friends mostly. It eventually got out to the pastor, who I'm closely related to, and was prayed for in the church. People started looking at me differently, though I know that many believed I was just making things up.
**Side note: I want you to imagine a tall, gangly blonde girl with disheveled hair and bad posture that was interested in fairies and dragons. That was me, so no wonder many didn't believe me**
When I saw the way my parents looked at me, I thought they didn't believe me either, so I refrained from telling them anything else that happend. I was prayed for in my church, but no one bothered confronting me and trying to talk to me about it. Thinking about it now bothers me more than it did back then. I guess I didn't really want everyone to be paying that sort of attention to me.
So, things went on and since I didn't have the courage to go back to the church for help, I turned to the occult; the only thing that seemed to have answers right when I wanted them. I fell deep into it and I was good. I read oracle cards, I spoke to spirits, I read palms and even got to the point of knowing a person more than they'd like, just by looking at them.
One experience was in seventh grade. I was with a group of girls and we got into the conversation about things that happend to us. I just blurted out to them that I could know what everyone wanted to be when they grew up just by looking at them. They laughed and, naturally, asked me to prove it; so I did. I'd point to someone in the distance(students I didn't know), take a look and tell the girls what that person wanted to do when they graduated. One of the girls went up to them and asked, then came back dumbfounded. I was right. From then on, some girls stopped talking to me while others were extremely interested.
Most experiences took place in my bedroom but always with witnesses. My little brother tells me even to this day how much he never liked my bedroom because it felt strange. My other friends witnessed as my eyes followed a demon walking around and even heard as it scratched the wall.
I stayed with the occult for years but throughout it all, I constantly had this voice in the back of my mind telling me that what I was doing what wrong. I tried to ignore that voice and went on but it wouldn't leave me. There were many times when I would come across a Bible verse or hear a preacher give a sermon on the topic and I would fall back from the spiritual world but I always came back. The more I did, the better I got. I amazed my friends and I felt like I was the most powerful person my age. Power hungry; typical.
Oh Lord, I wish I could go on but life is calling! I will continue with Part II tomorrow. Leave me some comments and even questions if you'd like!
Have a good day!
That is crazy intense. But I definitely believe you. I've gone through experiences that are outside of the 'natual' world. Thank you for sharing =]
ReplyDeleteI'm excited to read more of your blog!
I'm really interested.
God Bless