Sunday, November 18, 2018

Shutting Down

This blog will be shut down soon.

The hard truth is this:

For eleven years, I was abused by my husband and by the church. About four years ago, I wholly stepped out of the community and religion. I still hold to a belief of God, but not the way the Christians do.

After many, many years of suffering at the hands of a man who repeatedly harassed, belittled, insulted, and demanded I do as he says, I begged God for a way out and he provided. My eyes are opened and I can see how much of my experiences I spoke of here on this blog were for a purpose--not some curse or harassment from "Satan."
In the end, it was members of the church who slit my tires before a big road trip. It was members of the church who broke into my home and had me stalked through grocery stores. That wasn't "Satan." That was man who uses God as a weapon and as a crutch.

Thank you for supporting me in my time here. I am thankful, but I continually receive emails from Christians asking me for advice and I no longer consider myself of that label. I do not think I can offer the help and advice people are looking for. The Bible was the one weapon used against me with twisted scriptures and unreal, dangerous expectations from the church and I am officially done. I have a lot of emotional, mental, and spiritual healing to do after what I have been indoctrinated with.

I want to leave you with this:
Protect your children. Protect them from the indoctrination that will tell your girls to get married young and strive only for serving the men in their lives. Protect your boys from the belief that women are lesser beings who do not need hobbies or an education. Teach them to respect the women in their lives, and teach your girls to have a voice. Teach your children that personality is something to take pride in. Teach them that it's all right for them to have likes and dislikes, and that they don't always have to conform to a single society's ideals.
Sports are wonderful.
Reading is wonderful.
No one has to like one or the other. Or either, for that matter.
Protect your girls from feeling ashamed of their body just because they're born female.
Protect your boys from thinking they will become weak at the sight of a woman's body.
Protect children with free spirits.
Protect children who are quiet and reserved.
But most importantly, make sure your children feel protected. Never let them feel afraid to speak up. Never let them be afraid to ask questions or share what's on their mind and heart.

God can be wonderful for children to have in their heart, but their idea of who God is must be protected.
